Little Big Voice: Something Smells Fishy!

Today I found 2 SEO agencies using the same graphics. Not ground breaking news I know, but when you're just starting out as a Search Agency the last thing you want to be accused of is ripping off someone else's website.

The 2 websites are: and

If you have a look at the FirstFound homepage, you'll see it looks something like this:

First Found

Now, compare that to the Search Engine Marketing page on Little Big Voice:

Little Big Voice

You've spotted it! Something smells a little fishy there.

FirstFound have been around for a while but Little Big Voice have only been around for less than a year, so I'm guessing it's Little Big Voice who have been doing the copying! But as they say, "Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery"!

On the About Little Big Voice page it names Paul Keene as founder of Little Big Voice. Doing a quick Google search for Paul Keene brought me to his personal blog, He's got a nice link back to Little Big Voice from his About Me page with the anchor text "Search Engine Optimisation", now click the Photos 07 link. IT'S BROKEN. That's great SEO.

Looking closer at the site you'll see that the homepage redirects to check the method of this redirection and you'll soon discover that it is a Meta Refresh!!

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=Paul%27s%20Site/Welcome.html" />

Awesome SEO from the founder of Little Big Voice, Paul Keene! NOT.

Quoting from the Little Big Voice site: "Paul Keene, founder of Little Big Voice has been working in the field of search engine optimisation since 1998...Building on the lessons of those lean times and the streetwise kind of expertise that came with it, he has worked hard to become one of the most web-savvy operators..."



Unknown said...

Good morning

I found your blog when searching for I would politely like to make a few things clear about your 2 postings. Firstly I have worked full time in SEO for over 12 years although Little Big Voice is much newer and the website much less than a year old. The point I wish to make is that the site has not yet been optimised and has in fact I requested it be removed from Google and other engines, by requests, removals of site maps, robots texts and meta tags. Mainly due to the fact that the domain and business model is changing very shortly.

Regarding the images of the goldfish, this has not been lifted and was in fact a purchased image from one of the online legal image libraries. First Found do not have the rights to this image and it was by chance that we have the same.

My personal site is exactly that "personal" - it's not been optimised and I see no need for it to be. Admittedly there were some broken links which were recently fixed. However, the site was built using Apple's iWeb, hence the meta refresh. I do not have the time or reasons to fix these issues.

Bad SEO Blog said...

Thanks for stopping by Paul. Only took you 14 weeks! There's a few things from your comments that I don't understand.

Firstly, you say that you "have worked full time in SEO for over 12 years", if this is true why does your website state: "Paul Keene, founder of Little Big Voice has been working in the field of search engine optimisation since 1998". This looks like 10 years to me and if the site has only been up for less than a year, then the copy on your site cannot be old and outdated.

You say that your website has "not yet been optimised", WFT? You say you are an SEO and LittleBigVoice are an SEO only company! How can you not have optimised your website?!? Sounds like a poor excuse to me!

Your personal site may be personal but you wouldn't put it out there if you didn't want people to see it and as an SEO I would have thought that any site you build (regardless of what it was built in) would have been built with SEO in mind. Sorry, my mistake, maybe you're not an SEO then.

Anonymous said...

I commend Paul for stopping by to defend his position, but I'm leaning towards Bad Seo blog on this one. As an seo services professional you will be scrutinized as such at all times. Just as an auto mechanic would never allow his own personal car to be running poorly because it is a poor reflection of his work. Anything you put in the public eye will be viewed directly as a reflection of you as a professional and should be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

AH! This old meaningless thread rises its' ugly head once again. Stratshaw thank you for your less than kind comments, I see that you are in fact an SEO company. Why is it then that you spam this blog with your anchor text "seo services" pointing to your website knowing full well that Google frowns upon this? A typical unethical black hat SEO tricks, that doesn't work. Are you such a beginner not to realise that the site has nofollow within it's code. I clarify: seo services

In addition, have you actually bothered to take a look at this thread it's 3 1/2 years old, the sites have changed considerably.

Bad SEO Blog, you as a 'self appointed' expert SEO you should know better than to allow spam onto your blog! Also, can you explain why Stratshaw posted his comment on November 29, 2011 yet it was only uploaded 5 months later on April 27, 2012. Have you been so busy with the website (because frankly it's utter rubbish) or frankly not been doing your job properly. Get your own house in order before criticising others.

Little Big Voice

Oh and quite aware you vet all comments before posting, so if you have ethics you'll post this comment up for all to see.